First Born Prince and I are teetering on the edge of what is one of the most tender moments in a child and mother’s relationship. He is on the brink of becoming a young man and I can barely keep a dry eye or straight face.
We made plans for a few last hurrahs before school starts, and in San Diego with kids that means Lego Land, Sea World and the Zoo. (I don’t advise the Wild Animal Park in the summer, unless you want the full African desert simulation.) I’ve been wondering when my oldest son would outgrow these places, or more specifically, outgrow going to them with me. How many times can you sit with your mom watching Shamu do a flip?
He was only a little bit surly and rolled his eyes when he thought I wasn't looking. I can handle most of what he challenges me on in my sleep. What I wasn’t prepared for was how boyish he was at the end of our Staycation last night. He asked me to tuck him in.
“The zoo was so fun, Mom.”
“I know. I’ve never seen the koalas awake before.”
“I liked the lion. And the jaguar. And the tiger.”
He always did love the big cats, and used to carry a plastic tiger around with him when he was two-years-old. After we went over the night zoo highlights, I watched him fall asleep while I looked around his messy room. Nestled on his nightstand, in a place of prominence and importance (by his charging iPhone) was the little carved wooden tiger he bought on our way out as a souvenir.