Last week First Born Prince was invited to the Balboa Haunted Trail, which has been around every Halloween since I was a teenager. I only went once and remember it being over-the-top creepy. The people who do the haunting chase you with chainsaws and touch you with slimy hands, crossing boundaries, seeming like they might be escapees from an asylum. The other boys who were going attend a different school that starts an hour later than my son’s.
The mother offering this spooky treat asked me for permission to invite him, and even though I was tempted to just say no for him, I decided to test his ability to self manage. I explained to my son that I thought it wasn’t a good idea and that I’d rather he wait until he was older and go on a weekend instead. I am struggling with the balance between being a good mother and being a total killjoy.
He declined the invitation and then, afterwards, cried and pouted (confirming he was tired and needs to get his ass to bed on time) and accused me of being mean. I ignored him (more meanness) and continued helping Charming Baby with his homework. Eventually he snapped out of it and joined us in the family room, happy to be in pajamas, home, with us.
Later that night my friend texted me that they had to leave the haunted trail early because one of the boys got too scared. I wished I could have saved her the gas and entrance money but she is trying to be a nice mom and sometimes that gets lost in translation.