Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Intellectual Pursuits

“Will you read my blog post and tell me if you think it’s too weird?”

“Sure,” says the Professor.

He doesn’t laugh which is the opposite of what I was going for.

“Too bizarre, huh?”

“You know better than to ask me.  I am too private.  But I will say one thing.  Writing about boobs is not an intellectual pursuit.  This is what happens when you live in La Jolla.”

Had I been anywhere else in my cycle I would have fought him on this.  This from a man who bought a hot tub as an impulse purchase while out grocery shopping at Costco?  He is lecturing me on intellectual pursuits?

I don’t think so!  Here’s the post:

I am not built for running, but I love it so I do it anyway.  There are a lot of things that aren’t good for me that I do regardless, but that’s another story, shared only after years of friendship and a bottle of wine.  I like the freedom and simplicity of being able to put on running shoes, my music and just go.  The last time I ran this much was in Ithaca and I fractured a toe.  Even with taping them and wearing orthotics, I may not make it to my grave without intervention.

 “I think I need foot surgery,” I told the Professor.

He looked at my feet.

“Because of how they look or because of how they feel?”

“Please.  It’s my toe.  I think I’m getting a stress fracture.  My weight isn’t being distributed properly.  My second toe is doing all the work the big toe is supposed to be doing.  I can feel it happening when I push off.” 

“Well, you have to schedule it when I can help out.”

I started thinking about the down time and the risks of anethesia. 

“I wonder if there is anything else I should have done while I am under?”

“Like what?”  He sounded hopeful.

“Oh my God, I knew it.  You want me to get new boobs.”

“No, honey, I love your boobs.  Really.  I am not one of those guys that wants everything new.  I like living in reality.”

Reality boobs?

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