Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Fifth Dimension

The Professor and First Born Prince left this morning for the Fab 48 basketball tournament in Las Vegas.  They already hit the Bacchanal buffet at Caesar’s Palace and are getting ready for some serious high school basketball.  Charming Baby is at sleep-away mountain camp in northern California.

I am wildly excited about being on my own for a few days.  I suddenly have enough time and space to get everything I want to done!  With no distractions or demands, I can focus.  It's eerie, a sense of weightlessness and endless possibility.  Except last week when I was gifted two days like this, I ended up binge watching Ray Donovan and living on rosé and tortilla chips.

You are only wondering why I can’t get to the things I want to when my family is around if you are a man or a Bionic Woman.  There are plenty of to-do's we mothers wish we could accomplish but let go unattended as we are too preoccupied managing active, upwardly mobile people's secular and religious educations, sports and team commitments, nutrition and dining needs, social calendars and physical and mental health programs.

This week I am committing my top ten to-do's to paper so maybe I’ll arrive at Saturday morning with more than tight jeans and edema.

1.     Start at-home yoga practice.
2.     Read articles pulled from top news journals:  ISIS, Brexit, Turkey, RNC/DNC, Pokemon Go.
3.     Purge office files and shred all documents with sensitive or personal information (in case Professor reads this).
4.     Start Marie Kondo–ing the house.
5.     Returns to stores with time-sensitive return policies.
6.     Meet with admissions officer to help them better understand why people make the choices in schools that they do.  This appointment cannot be over the phone because their consultant needs to see my body language and facial expressions. (I offered to text emojis.)
7.     Investigate denied Aetna claims. 
8.     Investigate Aetna for denying claims.
9.     Get blood drawn.
10. Deal with jury summons.

Wish me luck.  Namasté.

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