Sunday, November 8, 2009

Character High

Running inspires my writing. Beyond the high I get from the adrenaline rush, I love to people watch and get material for characters.

Sundays are especially good for this on a college campus. As I finished panting my way up the south hill this morning, I tried to time what I thought was an oncoming heart attack in front of a pre-med student. Hint: They are not the ones wandering around in front of a fraternity house looking for their shoe.

I continued my search, hoping for someone with a huge backpack, glasses, preferably on their way to the library. I spotted a smartly dressed girl walking into the Johnson Business School building and thought she looked a lot like the investment bankers I know. Likewise, the guy cradling a notebook the size of the Manhattan White Pages reminded me of a man I would trust to defend me in a court of law. Isn’t it funny that the girl in the fashionable dress, obviously on her way to brunch with a preppy-looking boyfriend, is familiar, too, just like my friends who can be found at the tennis club on a sunny afternoon nursing their margaritas?

Turns out I was able to catch my breath, scoop up a few ideas, and head home, ready to rough up the heroine in the short story that is due tomorrow...

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