Monday, November 9, 2009

Slave to Love

My younger son’s internal clock has NOT reset since the daylight savings time change. So, every morning at 5:30 I feel a warm little hand on mine and hear a soft whisper.

Sam: Mom?

Me (one eye open): Yes?

Sam: Will you play with me?

At first I tried to get him to go back to sleep with me. That doesn’t work. He lays there having a conversation with a pretend friend, chuckling to himself. It’s like being in bed with a drunk with a low I.Q.

Then, I started hauling myself out of bed so he wouldn’t wake up my older son who needs sleep or my husband who likes sleep.

After a week, we now have a routine. Sam waits patiently for me in the kitchen while I brew my coffee. I have trained him on the rules of engagement. No chitty chat until I’ve had my first sip. He sees me bring me the cup to my lips.

Sam: Are you ready?

Me: Sure, what’s on the docket?

Sam: Let’s make books.

He lords over me while I do all the work, instructing me to make this larger or that smaller. He seems as happy as a middle manager in a factory who’s ahead of schedule. I kind of like this game.

Sam: Can we play something else now?

Me: Sure. Cards?

Sam: No, can I tie you up? I want to practice my knots.

I make a mental note to delete “Man. Vs. Wild” shows.

Me: Okay, but let me refill my coffee first, and you must leave one hand and my mouth free.

Even though I am not a huge fan of some of the activities he comes up with, I really look forward to this pocket of time we have discovered. He will be sleeping in and moving on soon enough. Now if I can just get him to play the cooking prep game...

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