Ladies and Gentlemen, in the first corner, we have the reigning Heartbreak Champion of the World:
Halloween was sweet as ever this year. There were the elementary school parade and parties. Then, we traveled to the Berkshires for my father-in-law's birthday. We all had fun Trick-or-Treating in the historic town of West Stockbridge, Mass. before dinner.
Except my older son is on the brink of feeling too old to Trick-or-Treat and my younger one isn’t exactly toddling around anymore, so I was feeling very nostalgic and maybe a little PMS.
It’s a good thing we had a special celebration for my father-in-law Halloween night or I might have gone home and cried a river, reminiscing over costumes past: Pea in the Pod...Fonzie ...Lion...Knight...Space Man...Batman and Robin...S.W.A.T. Team with one member A.W.O.L. ...Astronaut with uncooperative Martian ...Motocross Riders...Ninjas...Boxers with one reluctant challenger.
I suspect the only reason Sam agreed to be a boxer with his brother this year is so they could have the boxing gloves which they have been using daily since we bought them in early October. He protested the costume on the eve of the school parade and again as we were dressing to go out Trick-or-Treating. We went several rounds.
They don't call me Mama Ali for nothing.
Well they look perfectly adorable (but don't tell the tough guys I used that word to describe them) and I like the cranked up makeup for the actual trick-or-treating. Must have been a mommy TKO because Sam looks like he was a good sport once you got him going!!