Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It’s a Riot

I was defriended on Facebook.  I have an average amount of friends, with a hefty amount of posts to wade through, but this “friend’s” posts were extra special-- funny, creative posters for his rock band’s shows, so I noticed them missing right away.  I scrolled through my list of friends to be sure of my demotion.  Yep, I was deleted.

To be fair, I have done this to a few people.  I know you can just “hide” them instead and be rid of their status updates forever, but sometimes I just want to clean house all the way.  I like to purge.

At first I felt rejected, but the more I think about it, the funnier it gets.   What crossed his mind?  “That Lisa Barnhouse and all her photos of Ithaca!  I can’t take it.”  It wasn’t like I was uploading shots of my compost pile (that’s next, BTW). 

Maybe his wife made him do it…they got into a big fight and she went through his friend list and started pointing to all the ex-girlfriends and commanded, “Out!” 

Or it’s payback, after all these years.  I was the one who made up the lie that I didn’t need a date for my homecoming dance because I allegedly had to “work the event” and then took someone else (he went to a different school).  I think that ended our brief relationship, if me riding around on the back of a Vespa scooter constitutes a relationship.

Probably I’m not cool enough for his punk rock star life and he only tolerates friends who look like they work for Satan on his profile.  Even if I do own a pair of really excellent black leather boots and know every word to every single Clash song ever written.

Whatever the reason, it really makes me want to laugh, or grab a microphone and some drum sticks, and yell at the top of my lungs


White riot, I wanna riot, white riot, a riot of my own!”

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