Friday, August 13, 2010


I thought I was going to school for creative writing last week, but instead got an education in what it’s like to be a full-time working parent. I was so busy, there was no time to even call my best friend and complain about it. The Professor was out-of-town, I was enrolled in a 9:00 to 5:00 creative writing course at Cornell (which meant I had to get a lot of shit done before 8:30 and after 5:30), and we also just adopted a six-month-old, fifty-pound coonhound. Make no mistake, that alone would snow the average person under.

It really felt like every time I turned around, something popped up that demanded my attention. I ran out of food, wine and patience by day three. My standards for meal planning slipped to opening the cupboards to let my sons graze for their dinner. I was rushing them into bed each night so I could tackle the homework assignments that were due by 7am the following morning.  My new triage plan made no allowance for lengthy bathing or tooth brushing either.

The people I know who pull it off are major badasses. I am in awe of anyone that can simultaneously raise a family, manage a career, and run a household. Not to mention they seem to find time to work out and maintain a social life. I think it takes more than Red Bull and a Blackberry to make it happen, but those seem to be key. For all of you who take it on, you are amazing and I salute you.

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