Friday, October 1, 2010

Call of the Wild

Not sure if it is the onset of Fall or all of the college radio I’ve been listening to, but lately, I want to break free.  I’ve been thinking a lot about the invisible chains that bind us.  I could kick myself for the eight years I spent a few blocks from the beach, strapping my babies into high chairs and feeding them cooped up in my kitchen at dinnertime.  We had the most gorgeous sunsets.  Why didn’t I toss our meal into a bag and walk down to the sand?

Some commitments are like locust and consume our most precious commodity.  Others are privileges but don’t always feel that way.  After taking our sabbatical year, we have now re-engaged with routine--music lessons, organized sports, and religious school.  Some afternoons when the breeze is blowing warm and orange, red and yellow leaves are rustling underfoot, I want to scoop up my boys and go for long walks, toad hunts and picnics in the woods, but I won’t cancel the tutor or flake on a team…so we keep to our schedule and show up at the organized activities.

I am in the business of raising reliable, honorable men, not breeding Grizzly Adams types, so I will continue to march them home after school and into gymnasiums at the set times.  But when the sky is clear and the harvest moon is full, you just may not find us where we are supposed to be…

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