Monday, May 9, 2011


Today I am starting the “Fast Track” Detox Diet:  11 days of basically no fun. I have done her Fat Flush Plan before and had amazing results.  This is similar, but with a one-day fast in the middle.  I tried it a month ago but cheated (drank coffee and wine the whole time) so my results weren't as good.  I could tell it would be have been bionic if I stuck to it.

If I complete the cleanse properly, I can reboot my whole system—achieving more physical energy and mental clarity.  I’ve done it successfully a few times before and the lightness of being afterwards is worth every hurdle I have to throw my deprived body and agitated mind over.   This time there will be NO CHEATING.

I am hoping to rid myself of bad habits.  The plan gives you a seven-day “prequel” diet to prep your body for the one “fasting” day, followed by a three-day “sequel” to seal in all the health benefits.  The idea is to spend the fasting day journaling and reflecting, hopefully releasing old issues, making room for new goals and ideas.  I love how it makes me want to purge all of my literal closets and drawers, not just the figurative.  It’s like being on drugs, only legal and good for you.

On a bigger scale, my challenges ahead are many—moving back to southern California after two years in upstate New York, attempting to keep the Professor in the classroom more and boardroom less, and catapulting myself to the next chapter in my career (whatever that may look like).  The kids are a rolling set of normal growth patterns, so knock-wood, no big surprises there.

If we can keep the Ithaca lifestyle we have to come to appreciate and enjoy going in San Diego, where the weather is more my speed, I will have achieved the best of both worlds.  The kids are on board, but the Professor is skeptical.  Somehow I have it in my head that if I can master this cleanse, it will be a microcosm of what I am attempting to do with the rest of my life.  Wish me luck!

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