Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rogue's Harbor

I made it through five days without cheating on my cleanse.  Then I went out with the girls Friday night to a benefit for a local cancer help center.  The evening started out with a cocktail hour overlooking the lake and silent bidding for the fundraiser.  I was able to accomplish this part with club soda and a lime, no food.  Later, when we were all seated for the live auction, I stuck to fruits and veggies while everyone around me was eating tasty-looking treats from the famous Moosewood restaurant.  I know, impressive. 

After the event, a group of us headed over to Rogue’s Harbor, one of the coolest lake-area bars around.  I am sorry, but it is next to impossible to be in a place with great energy, music and group of friends, drinking and laughing, and sit there with a glass of water.  One little pinot grigio couldn't hurt. It's technically fruit.  Then I ordered a second and a plate of peel-and-eat shrimp. 

I felt sort of schnockered after the second glass and probably over-shared.  Wine brings out the best in me.  I woke up feeling hung over.  At first I was mad at myself for being weak and pathetic, but then I realized the hangover meant that the detox is working!  I was losing weight, but the headache was a sign that the diet must really be giving my insides a good scrubbing if those two regulation-pours of wine could do that. 

When I think about my cleanse as a trial run for being strong against old habits in La Jolla, I am glad I had my slip up. I didn't get my nickname, "Polyanna," for nothing.  It’s unrealistic to think I am going to move back and be able to maintain perfect balance in my life without stops and starts and figuring out what works and what doesn’t by trial and error.

As for my inability to resist cheap white wine….well, you can take the woman out of the honky-tonk bars, but...

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