It dumped 6 inches of snow last night and there are sleet and ice warnings. The wind is howling and we were hoping for our first official snow day. No luck. When I opened the garage door this morning to take the boys to school, we could see deer tracks and squirrel trails all over the driveway.
Now I know what they like to do in the middle of the night…it’s not a magical Disney circle of friends singing by moonlight…no, I think they were checking out the garbage cans by our back door.
As I was backing up the car, my two little bosses were fretting, “Would if we don’t make it over the wall of snow left from the street plowing? Would if your car gets stuck?” Since we don’t have snow shovels (yet) and “Elegant Estates” hadn’t been out to clear our driveway (yet), I paused and almost laughed out loud as I began to quote many a parent from generations past, “Then we’ll have to get out and walk to school in the snow!”
Ithaca temperature today: 34 “Feels like”: 23
Oooohhh, sounds lovely! Even the animals doing a dance around the rubbish cans! I love snow.