Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?

I caught a blog post that struck a horrible chord deep inside of me. It was a father blogging about himself and his son. It was totally self-serving, reminding me of all the lessons from my writing teachers. No body wants to hear about Mr. Perfect having a perfect day with his perfect family!

Just as I was comforting myself that my blog isn’t annoying, I remembered what a college student said to me the last time I was singing the praises of blogging. He looked at me and said, “Having a blog is sort of narcissistic, don’t you think?”

I defended bloggers of the world by explaining we are trying to give followers something—information, a laugh, a lesson. I then dragged the poor boy through several Leaving California posts. I made him sit there and listen to me as I read aloud. Just as I was starting to feel sheepish, it was time to board the plane, so I snapped my notebook shut and said, “Well, hope that’s not too narcissistic for you! Have a good flight!”

As I hurried off, wondering if maybe I shouldn’t be trapping young school-age men in airport waiting lounges, he yelled, “Hey! How do I find your blog if I want to read more?”

Ha! Another bites the dust.

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