Thursday, May 13, 2010

Watch Me Now

"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning."

I have been thinking a lot about modeling lately. No, not the infamous hand modeling career I passed up or the job most girls from California that are 5’10” think they can have if they just get discovered.

I mean modeling behavior…mostly for my children. Want your kids to tell you about their day? If they are male, for God’s sake don’t ask them about it or they will clam up immediately. Rather, start talking about what happened to you, enthusiastically, and before you know it, they are falling over each other like puppies to share their news.

In my quest for showcase actions, I have given up Diet Coke, smoking (come on, it’s not like I had them hanging out of my mouth when I talked) and over-scheduling.

Sadly, I still curse (Damn habit!), drink (moderately, I swear) and don’t make my bed.

“Mom, why do we have to make our beds if you don’t?”

Oh, the witty quips that went flying through my head. I decided to quote my father, the master.

“Do as I say, not as I do.”

“That’s only going to work for so long, Mom.”

Let that be a lesson to you, my boy.

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