Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fame...I'm Gonna Live Forever

Scene: Sundance Film Festival, 1995. Two girls, one in colorful ski gear, one in all black, lounging around Stein Erickson Lodge, ordering “another” and enjoying live music. They are giggling, whispering and trying to look inconspicuous.

Dana (clearly an artist type from New York): I don’t want to go to the party tonight.

Lisa (decked out in purple North Face, looking like Suzy Chaffee): You have to! That’s why we’re here. You need to network.

Dana: It’s embarrassing. I think it will be enough to go to the dinner.

Lisa: No, we flew all this way, the producer and director are expecting you. We ARE going!

Dana: I hate you.

Lisa: You’ll thank me in the morning.

The first time Dana and I went to Sundance together was before either of us had children. She was a film editor and when one of her films would show at the festival, she would take me as her guest. I think she invited me mostly because we have fun doing just about anything together, but also because I faithfully watched many cuts of each of her films, I can keep up with her on the slopes, and generally am a pretty good wingman.

We were young and Dana thought it was painful to self promote. This is why artists have agents. I wasn’t her agent, but I cared about her career and it’s not like she was dragging me to medical sales conferences. We went to dinners and parties, and I got to enjoy sitting next to some seriously famous people for good food and fun conversation. I am not sure Diane Lane cared about my advertising job in L.A., or that Timothy Hutton thought my jokes about the 80’s were funny, but I was an honored guest at these events and I enjoyed those trips so much.

Cut to 2010.

Scene: Same two women, looking a little more stylish and definitely more mature in the same lounge at Stein Erickson Lodge. They are laughing and chatting with people in the bar. Dana leans over and whispers in Lisa’s ear.

Dana: Let’s not waste time.

Lisa: Right. (closing eyes to relax and listen to the music)

Dana: Lisa! What’s the mission? (she orders the question)

Lisa, sitting up straight and answering like a solider: Sell script!

Dana: That’s right. (she coos)

Lisa: Can’t we chill out for a little longer? I have wine left in my glass and my legs are still barking.

Dana: No. We need to get going. Let’s go get ready for dinner.

Lisa: I hate you.

Dana: You’ll thank me in the morning.

Dana continues to edit films on occasion, to keep herself close to the industry she is so passionate about, but now she is a writer. She has several really great scripts and is ready to shop them around. I am marveling at how far my coy friend has come. My little wallflower who once needed so much encouragement is now chasing me around town with a cattle prod barking, "What's the mission?!"

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